Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

The restaurant is open

Minutes after I poured a cup of seed on the feeder these little guys came to eat!   At one point there were ten birds!    

Some rain today so I finally quit procrastinating and finished some chores around the house that were on that "list".  Glad to cross them off.
Now the biggest thing on the list is to clean up photos..hoping to get this done before I start taking photos for 2018.

Is anybody making a New Year's Resolution to clean up photos in an timely manner!?   If I did that, I know I would not keep it up!  But I did do well this year for about 7 months..then it just went to the bottom of the to do list!  One thing that was a problem was finding a particular photo so  I have a different plan for the organization for the new year so maybe I will be able to keep up with it better.    

Hope everyone that has been in the snow and below freezing temps is doing okay!   

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