A busy...

...day but also a nice one.

Longer lie then got my run out of the way and did my yoga.

MrR, the wee fella and I then walked into town to the farmers market. Picked up the last of the presents. Wee pit stop at The Burgh...grand:-)

Back home popped the Weim in the car and headed up to Logie to place the Christmas wreaths, one for Mum & Dad, one for Uncle Sandy & Aunty Rose. We also popped some roses up to the Old Cemetery today where my Grandpa, Gran and my older brother who died in infancy are laid to rest. My Dad’s brother who was shot down off the coast of Denmark in WWII is also remembered on the stone in that cemetery. We don’t always go up to that grave. Then we walked the Weim round the Uni campus and placed some of the roses for Aunty Gill.

It could not be put off any longer...we headed to Sainsbury’s to get the food shop. Truth be told we’ve been gathering bits and bobs and I was also determined not to go mad so it wasn’t that big a food shop.

Stopped off on the road home to deliver Christmas presents to friends.

Home...dinner...and then...

MrR, Fangle and I headed to the MacRobert to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” which is a wonderful movie. The teenagers didn’t want to accompany us. The wee fella is not a big fan of it but I really wanted to see it and he came with us as he didn’t want me to be sad. Lovely lad. That said he was a bigger fan at the end of the viewing, “I actually quite like that movie now.” It was great...always brings a tear to my eye.

“A toast to my big brother, George, the richest man in town.” LOVE IT.

Grateful for a productive wee day and also a day dotted with memories and time for reflection.

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