Damp day

We had set aside only one full day for Chiang Mai, but unfortunately it's been a wash out weatherwise, although we haven't let that dampen our spirits. However, it's been impossible to stop it dampening our clothes and shoes. This morning we pottered around a little bit with L, before he headed back to the hotel and thence the bus station. He's now in Chiang Rai, and tomorrow is going on a bike tour to the White Temple. We found somewhere quite nice for lunch (See You Soon cafe) and managed to wander around the old city a bit, stopping to photograph damp plants and various temples from time to time. But it's been a pretty soggy experience.

And it's not been without its casualties. What with my feet slipping and sliding as we walked the wet streets this morning, constantly on and off the pavements (so far as these exist), unfortunately one of my sandals has got damaged and may not survive much longer.

As a result, we went on a sandal-hunt this afternoon, which proved fairly successful in that there were a number of shoe shops in a nearby shopping centre. New sandals were procured that should be adequate for my purposes. We then went on a restaurant-hunt, but the one we were looking for appears to have disappeared. But we found something quite adequate just next door, and then headed back to the hotel for an evening researching our next destination.

So after two weeks in the company of L (and La most of the time too), now we are on our own for a little while before we catch up with L and La again back in Singapore.

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