By Bella888

The beloved Queen’s Head

Tiny lights adorn several Pinner High Street buildings including the Queens Head. This lovely 16th Century coaching inn is an institution here and well frequented by locals and the occasional tourist.

from their web site >
“The Queen's Head is Pinner's oldest Inn and steeped in history. Records show that there has been an Inn on the site since 1540, although there is a theory that there was an Ale house on the site here when King Edward III signed the Royal Charter to create Pinner's annual fair in 1336. We know for certain that our cellars are 12th century. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Inn was called The Crown; only in 1715 was it renamed The Queen's Head. In 1872, Eleanor, the daughter of Horatio Nelson, Nelson's only daughter, was killed by a bolting horse outside The Queen's Head. She was unmarried and predeceased her mother. It is said that her benevolent ghost still roams the rooms of the pub. Both Eleanor and Horatia are buried locally”

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