The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


The sun was shining this morning when we awakened, in my case with Bomble on my head.
"Quick, let's get up!" I shouted, in full Famous Five mode, because it seemed as if we hadn't seen the sun for weeks. So we pulled on our 'gumboots and mackintoshes' despite the fair conditions, and set off on a circular route through the cemetery to the coal merchant's quarry, back down through the woods, along the Horns Valley to the cemetery once more.

Mr Blue Sky was out, along with many dog walkers, and I was pleased to see the apple blossom out in the new cemetery, even if this is s sign of global warming. We enjoyed our tramp, I felt as if I'd been cooped up for longer than usual.

Got back just in time: I'd forgotten about the Boxing Day shoot. It happens every year. Goodness knows what is being shot. It's not pheasants, so I imagine rabbits. Fortunately it only lasts an hour or two.

Now it's raining. Mr Blue Sky has hidden away, and I've made a square board for my square puzzle, but it looks very difficult, so I might just read, or watch Frasier. I'm simultaneously watching series three and six, which is somewhat confusing! Series six and seven are the sharpest, in my opinion. But I'm missing series three already! Wonder if there's a convention I can go to

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