A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Christmas in Action

I haven’t taken great photos today so it’s a pretty random collection I have to choose from tonight...

I was tempted by the one of Anna holding Jackson hostage with a laser tag gun demanding pudding. And many from charades. Not so much by the feeble attempts at the magic tricks that were in the crackers. More so by the Christmas feast; though the kids appear to have hit their non pliable stage and there were no sprouts eaten between them. No pictures during the name game as there was far too much concentrating, timing and bickering about the outrageous flouting of rules. And none on either of the dog walks. Possibly as we were too distracted by how quiet everywhere was - the waterfall at Chiswick House has never sounded so loud and the ducks were having quite a party.

I did quite like this mid present opening scene.

I hope everyone has had the Christmas they wanted.

Happy Christmas
Lesley x

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