It's been tipping down.....

.....all day!!

I am at Asbhurton enjoying a Regional Photographic Convention this weekend. This morning we had a speaker, (from our own club) he gave a quite incredible presentation along with images of his latest trip tramping and exploring parts of rugged and scenic Fiordland. It was extremely well received. Just before lunch we piled into buses and travelled out to a large farm called Longbeach. Such a heap of historical information given and so interesting. We were given a scrumptious lunch in what is called the old cookshop used many years back when up to 100 men worked on the estate. Originally the farm covered 35,000 acres, but has been divided and sold over the years....the owner is a great great grandson of the original Grig family they farm 2500 acres with dairy, cropping of barley, wheat and potatoes and running something like a 1000 ewes. The original homestead was burn down in 1935, salvaging all the bricks which were used to rebuild the most awesome homestead set in huge and gobsmackingly beautiful grounds imaginable (even in the pelting rain). Queen Lizzie and the Duke stayed there back in 1952. A place we will return to when the weather is playing the game.

We got totally drenched and my choice of blip today is to show the conditions. This is a back side of the beautiful homestead, the other side is just so stately and beautiful. When we got back to Asburton we had to go back to our motel to change into dry clothing.

Tonight we have had a lovely meal, hilarious entertainment (I and many others were made to get up on stage to attempt the can can....well that is a huge joke!!) All in the name of fun.

Made some new friends, even a chap that knows Tussock well!!!

It's late, been a huge day, been a superb day also.

Rainie ...tired Rainie.

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