Cage Fighter

More entertaining, starting with a trip to her Aunt J who is in need of a cheer up. She’s a sprightly 93 but very keen to tell everyone that really she’s had enough. Enough of everything, and that certainly includes Christmas, and its cards and presents. Though she does offer us a Christmas tipple. Wine does last quite well in a box doesn’t it.
Later the four of us met up with Daughter and son-i-l and  also her sis and man at Summerhall to go to an Escape Room!!! Ooo the excitement. Some people were very excited indeed. As I’m sure you can imagine. And as I could imagine the two young bucks in the group were verrreeee keen to tear into the clues and escape.
And we did - beating the 60 minute deadline by three minutes.
I do think we were all a bit hyper as we staggered out and round to Blonde. I know I was - I confidently led four of us into the wrong restaurant, demanding our table for eight. We’d confirmed our reservation two days previously! When I realised, I apologised quickly and made another escape...

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