Journey Through Time

By Sue

It's Baaaaccck...

I forgot to share my big news with my Blip community. The other photo thing I have been involved in for a year, Capture Clark County, has worked out - to my delight. At least one of my photos, and I'm sure it's only one..will be in the book that is being printed and released next month. It's through the newspaper and a publishing company that does this around the country. I am one of 160 people who got their photo in the book. When I get the book in my grubby hands, I will, of course, share it with you all. Well, virtually anyway.

Our driest summer since records have been kept (1940) ended today. It was bound to sooner or later. I know, absolutely NO sympathy from the UKer's, right? You guys had the wettest summer on record, I believe. And believe me, I did feel really sorry for you all. And I will add something: Today is the 50th anniversary of one of the biggest storms to hit the Pacific Northwest. The Columbus Day storm swept into southern Oregon and blew all the way north, probably into British Columbia. I was in Roseburg, OR at the time and we were sent home from school early. Then the fun began. Forty-six people died, trees fell, roofs blew off, cars were smashed, more trees toppled, bridges collapsed and debris filled the air as this huge wind storm wrecked havoc. And that's all it was, basically, was wind. Our own hurricane force winds causing massive destruction. So....I'll take todays rain. No biggie.

Zucchini bread is baking in the oven. Hope it comes out okay. The cinnamon sure smells good. Made a quick run to the store for Rx, photo prints to send to my folks, and a stop at the Chinese food place for our dinner tonight. Now, THAT smelled heavenly on the way home in the car. Buy it before 3 and you get the cheaper lunch deal. We are starting to learn the tricks of Senior Citizenhood. Sometimes I think our life is right out of a Seinfeld episode. They really had it down right, didn't they? I see Seinfeldian references all around me, some days.

So, now I have the winter photo challenges ahead of me. Hope I can be creative like all of you folks.

Take care fellow Blippers.

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