11am blip taken .....
...... at Selsdon nature reserve!
I went to 8am service , then took gifts down to my daughters ( where we all spent 25/26th ) on my way home I called into the N/R to get a blip , to the left of this photo there were lots of people and children, with dogs having their walks. It was nice and dry but with a keen wind . I really don't know what the statue of the Bear denotes. I must investigate further!!
I will be attending Midnight Mass with the family latter , I just love this service , the whole meaning of Christmas comes alive then for me. Apart from making a couple of phone calls the afternoon has been really quiet . I've heard from "A" who has arrived in Birmingham itv studio ( to keep the outside broadcast going ) .
The priest taking the service this morning made the analogy by using the words of children on a journey " are we there yet"! , Advent is like that " are we there yet"! Well just a few more hours , and , yes we will be there. But it's not just festivities , the really meaning is of a " babe" born on Christmas Day . For many many years this brilliant story has lasted , long may it remain. Of course many dispute the date, then calendars were different in those times and I'm sure we're not far out, one way or the other.
SO, I wish all the blippers out there a very happy Christmas and a good and healthy New Year.
Thankful ..... to know "A" has arrived safely.
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