Christmas Eve in Queen's Park, Loughborough.

Popped into town, not to do last minute shopping as that's all sorted but just for a trip out on the bike and to see how busy a Sunday Christmas Eve was. Not busy is the answer, most people must have done all their chores yesterday.

In other news I've finally settled on some photo processing software after I made the decision to leave the Adobe world behind. I have been using Corel Aftershot Pro for a bit as it was the software I used to use way back in the PowerPC days but sadly it seems their development of the software hasn't been kept up with modern offerings. So, after a month of trials and investigating different options I've chosen On1 Photo Raw and laid down my cash for a full version. I'm still learning but they have bundled a comprehensive ebook with the software so that's helping me learn how to make the most out of it. 

It has also been bundled with some filter presets and the HDR one is quite interesting, which I shall explore further. As with most of these things less is definitely more and dialling the filters down can make them much more interesting and subtle. However, see the extra photo of the bandstand in Queen's Park, which is dialled up to the full 100%!

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