It's The Small Things

SWMBO and went and picked up Bags this morning and nipped over to the mother-in-law so that Bags could see her and give her her Christmas present (she hasn't seen her for a couple of weeks) and I could carry her cat in its box out to her car (it is a heavy, fat little bugger and MIL finds it awkward to carry her using her walking stick).

After that, the three of us went for cake and a drink. It was remarkably quiet I must say.

When we got home I disappeared into the garage and did a wee bit of turning.

On coming in I was told that SWMBO was about to come and get me ...... there was a leak under the sink!
It ended up that I had what is almost becoming our annual ritual - taking apart the piping to clean it out. I have to point out that it is not so much down to what goes down the sink and more to do with the piss poor plumbing job with none of the (plastic) pipes running straight and having nice little angles and kinks that catches anything slightly solid.

This evening I realised I hadn't taken any pictures so I set up one of my new continuous lights and took some pictures of the wee pot I bought in Washington. I also took some pictures of the tumbled stones I bought at the same time.(I thought they would make good emergency blips ..... and they look nice)

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