The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Two decades Later

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Last day in the office until 9th January. There was a definite absence of Christmas spirit and it was a huge relief to leave at the end of the day. Just need to switch off my phone in Hogmanay now!

In the evening, I went to meet Kitty Cat, The Explorer and The Major in the Black Ivy foe dinner and drinks. I had some very nostalgic moments. It has been 20 years since we all met and I am very glad that we became friends. We reminisced about big nights out, romantic trysts and the mischief of youth. It was a great night. I have some sort of lurgy and haven’t been feeling great all week but my two health care professional friends advised me just to ‘drink through it’. I always do what I’m told and we ended up in Ghillie Dhu until 3!


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