Bringing Home the Kill

The Christmas bird was carried home with full festive honours at 7:30 this morning. His Lordship and I went on foot to hunt it down in the darkness of the predawn with hardly a person afoot. We encountered not a single soul as we hiked down to Princes Street with all the twinkly Christmas lights spread out before us, to snare it at its due appearance in M&S.
With all the festive accompaniments jostling for space, the fridge is full to bursting and awaiting my ministrations.

Last night when HL and I finally conceded that the central heating boiler could not be restarted every 2 hours until January 10th because of constantly falling water pressure, we decided to order online a heater from Argos. This has just arrived. How’s that for service! Hopefully, it will take the chill off the house. Long may the outside temperature remain a balmy12°.

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