
By beeeze

A fine handlebar moustache

No of course it isn't, but you have to admit that it does look a bit like one!

Complete lack of inspiration today led me to contemplate blipping lettuce (I KNOW!) The cat has disappeared upstairs, the dog is fast asleep and grumpily turned over when I tried to get her to wake up/pose.

So. Lettuce. Wasn't doing much for me to be honest. Took something out to the bin and spotted this little chap. He's about 3mm long but By Jingo! he can move.

Out of 200+ photographs I think I've got 10 in focus. Obviously using the Raynox 250 doesn't help because I've only got a couple of mm to play with focus-wise. Anyhoo...

In Devon they are known as chuggypigs, in Cornwall they call them gramersows. But that's the Cornish for you.

Up here in t'North we call them Woodlice. Because that's what they are really called.

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