
By Madchickenwoman


Yay, I made it to the shops today! I did Waitrose first as that was the one more likely to stress me if it was full of people and I was already having to push the anxiety away so decided to get it over and done with - and I was fine! Tempting little treats for lunch and pudding and all the food the cats could eat and the cat litter to tidy up after they had eaten! Next stop the garden center to pick up my pre-ordered crickets and locusts for Gunther and food for the fish. So the menagerie and I are all set for the festive few days! Next the Christmas tree - found a nicely shaped one where there were distinct tiers from which to hang the ornaments. Also picked up all the bits of wood cut off the end of peoples trees - I'm sure my sister will find something creative to do with them! 
I was beginning to feel a bit squirrely after all this so didn't stop at the post office on the way home - I only had to post my old router back to TalkTalk. No end of problems the new router caused with my printer - just couldn't link to it. Only discovered that this morning when I tried printing off something for Nellie of the Woods. Spent way too long trying to get it to work so didn't have time to Catch up with Vegan Jo on the way to Waitrose. But I'm learning not to try and cram too many things into a day and so end up doing things in a manic rush.
So home to wrap the last few presents - found a wonderful programme called The Repair Shop at Christmas. People bringing old things to a barn to be repaired by a team of skilled craftspeople.It's obviously a series and this was its festive episode. It was just so lovely and made me feel so warm and fuzzy! 

So now I am ready for sisters arrival - I think the animals in my blip are awaiting someone else's arrival! 

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