
A Chistmas ball, which I bought for blipping last year. 
It will not get a place in the tree. 
I think the quote should be: You live once, so feel twice".
Sometimes everything is getting to be analyzed to death. Better would be when you would feel the effects of your behaviour and doing.

We had our 27th anniversery today.
We enjoyed some sweet memories. Time is fleeing. 

I finished some more Christmas preparations (cards, presents for friends...) and headed to T.'s school for a Christmas cellebration.
Had a lot of chats. So many people go through very bad times. So sad to hear. I only can give them my ear and a big hugh.
At home late for our traditional anniversery dinner (noddle casserole with cheap wine .-))   )
M. had arrived at home (earlier than announced) and started the traditional and everlasting disputes with P.
.... And I started to get in my personal Chistmas feeling:
Oh dear, let the days go over quickly, they are most annoying... :-(

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