It was a pretty rough night with Nate, up every hour or half hour throughout the night...this morning he had a new tooth, so that must have been why. Poor boy... My plan to be super productive failed as he & I snoozed on & off for the first few hours of the day!
Once we were up & ready, the plan was to meet Danny & sort some Christmas gifts out...we've been given bits of money by a few people to buy our 2 something. After a successful trip, we dropped by Nude for a quick coffee & mini croissant.
Nate had a looong afternoon nap on me whilst Danny went off to Asha's parents evening. I am SO proud of that girl...growing in confidence in front of the group, working hard, happy to be at school, doing really well in reading and writing...she's a star.
The kids & I popped out go get a few bits & bumped into Asha's teacher from Infantil, Susi...sooo lovely to chat, and she's invited Asha over to hers to play with her kids. So kind!
Drama of the day;
Serious amounts of snot from Nate - yuk. Plus random tears every now & then...he's obviously not feeling great.
Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having an age gap that means the one child is at school so I can nap with the 2nd after a night like last night! Glad I haven't got 2 tiny kiddies to look after!
2) The joy of choosing gifts.
3) Asha doing so well in school...I'm so pleased she enjoys going and enjoys learning.
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