Birch Polypore

Tired today after a few nights poor sleep, but also more positive (whilst accepting it's early days) with the new physio regime.
Today started with yoga and somatics (in JimJams) and then one longer session of slightly harder physio (I've been trying to do 3 easier ones, based on earlier advice). Then a dog walk, where I saw this impressive dinner-plate sized fungi. Then some French and movies on the couch.

Birch Polypore (Piptoporus betulinus) is a fascinating fungi. Barely edible on its own, but highly medicinal. When Otzi the 5300yr old man's remains were discovered two (relevant to this) interesting things were found:
(a) he had a parasitic intestinal worm called a Whipworm.
(b) he had a dried piece of Birch Polypore on a string around his neck. Whipworm can be cured by polypolenic acid, which is present in polypores.

If you're out in the wilds its also excellent as tinder, and will hold an ember overnight. Dried and old it will also sharpen a knife.

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