Song Thrush

This thrush has been a regular visitor to the garden over the last couple of weeks and particularly likes to stand on the corner of next door's roof. 

Today was my annual office party to which partners are invited. As I am retired this means that kwdiane and I went down to the Boot in Willington for lunch.

It's the season finale of Peaky Blinders tonight and I am really looking forward to it. As I have mentioned (many times) I was fortunate to be an SA on the production earlier in the year and was involved in the boxing scene. I'm a massive fan of the programme so you can imagine what a thrill it was to be involved in the filming and I can't wait to see what it looks like on the screen.

Obviously I will only feature as a blurry glimpse but for those of you who want to look out for me I played Bonnie Gold's waterboy and have already spotted myself in the background in a couple of the trailers. I'm wearing a flat cap and have an impressive moustache almost as good as Kenneth Branagh in Murder on the Orient Express although I don't think it will be visible in its full glory. 

No prizes for guessing what tomorrow's blip will be.

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