Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Tiny remnants of fall

Years ago, I planted a sad looking beauty-berry bush that the local nursery gave me at the end of the season.  Amazingly, with no effort on my part,  it has flourished and produces vibrant purple berries each fall.  I only rarely see the birds eating these berries, although I know they are a favorite food for birds in some of the southern states.  But, they provide a lovely dash of color well into winter.  As you can see here, the berries (having been solidly frozen several times) are withered and the leaves are brittle and dry.  But, they are tiny and seasonal for this week's TinyTuesday challenge, hosted by moi!

I've already had a peek at this week's entries and can see that I am going to have yet another dilemma in terms of choosing my favorites!  

A busy morning of running errands, which left me feeling a tad frazzled.  Hubs and I are planning to head out shortly to walk a few miles and enjoy what has turned into a beautiful day.  Hopefully that will unfrazzle my nerves.  

Less than a week...


Footnote:  The walk definitely unfrazzled me a bit.  And, I was surprised to encounter both a large-ish spider and a wooly-bear caterpillar, both moving slowly on the trail - I relocated both out of the path.  Very pleased with myself for rescuing that spider - not so many years ago I would have stepped on it - intentionally!  Even prouder of Hubs, who pointed it out to me today.

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