Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

A bit of daftness

Most of the day was spent as MrsDB's assistant lashing up millions of Christmas lights.  Our house is like a set from Come dancing, all sparklies, glittering things and the smell of sweat.  Mine.  The step ladders are smouldering.  I've been up and down more than a bride's nighty.  If you have an alternating current outage (Daily Express speak for power cut) then our house is probably the reason!  I can hear the meter whirring and the little watts charging along the cables.  N Power have already been in touch for an advance payment and their lawyers have placed a lien on the property.  My reputation is growing.

In other news...   It's the opening night of the Port Appin Annual Illuminations (first year).  A bit of a lash up but just fun.  

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