Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Christmas Countdown

This Santa Calendar sits on the reception desk at work and is giving us the countdown to Christmas. I have to be honest and say I am already demob happy for the festive season. I just want the chill factor.

On which topic: it was so cold when I went out to empty the rubbish at a quarter to seven this morning that the dustbin lids were frozen on and (short of fetching my crowbar from my workshop at the bottom of the garden) I could not, with any amount of effort, prise them up.

I used an electric heater on an extension lead (through the front room window and in to the cars on the forecourt) to thaw out our motors. This is an effective way to go if you have the time. TSM and The Dizzle set off early (despite his awful head cold) and I followed later as I had an appointment to have a new hearing aid fitted. The audiologist was charming but I don’t think I’ll use it much except for bigger meetings. It’s a wee bit tinny for my liking. I like more bass on my augmented aural reality.

TSM and I went back to Leatherhead together (the timing was just fortuitous) and we stopped to get a coffee on the motorway services. The woman serving in Starbucks actually knew what a London Fog was, so we both had our favourite drink to take back to our desks.

A highlight of my day was finding a secret Santa present on my desk (I wasn’t in yesterday when everyone else opened theirs) and finding an old shoe box which when I opened it ... contained half a bottle of Scotch. Bloody excellent. I usually get something naff in Secret Santa. This was a thoughtful gift.

We had a biggish meeting this afternoon and I cracked a few jokes to create a festive atmosphere but colleagues were not really up for it, which is a surprise as I am a very witty person (and modest of course) and can usually elicit a chuckle. But people are a bit worn out. It has been a torrid year with far too much work for most and we are bang in the middle of another change process. People look tired. SO bring it on Countdown Santa … we all need a break …

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