River Teign at Gallows Cross

I took a walk up a footpath beside the River Teign this morning. It was a lovely bright day and I had very little idea of what I'd find. There's a footpath on the other side of the river much used by dog walkers so I thought this side might be more intereting to me. 

The Teign is on one side of the path and there are extensive ball clay workings on the other side. The river bank was not as accessible as I'd hoped due to scrubby growth at the side but when I did get a view through it looked very nice. The river can look a little grey as it runs through these parts due to the clay being stirred up but it does seem nice and clear here.
The path was a bit (a lot) muddy in places and I wished I'd put my wellies on a couple of occasions.

I do like the light on the reeds in the foreground and on the far bank.

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