Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

1150. MM204 - Festive Ballerina

Found my new fangled attempts at only taking photos off auto in readiness for starting the new January - A Year with my Camera course...a teensy weensy bit frustrating this morning...said camera on aperture priority resolutely refused to take a photo actually in focus....so in true amateur photographer fashion I resorted to my iPhone to take an image for Mono Monday and here it is!  I loved this pretty festive ballerina on my step daughter's Christmas tree...I just don't understand what happened with my camera this morning as it was well lit....still...and yet all my images were out of focus...maybe it's my eyesight that's the problem?

An early morning visit to the wee one who was as high as a kite and completely wild.....and who had us in absolute stitches when advised that his fingernails needed to be clipped later....followed by much wailing and shouting of "nooooooo" and burying his head in the sofa cushions....what a drama queen he is...and not unlike a close family member!

We took a trip to Broughty Ferry this morning to have a wander and lunch out...it was cold but sunny (see extra) and the light was beautiful.

Manage to snag a couple of charity shop bargains and then home again to try and catch up a bit with your journals!

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