We decided that if we were going to do some shopping, then we needed to get out early, before all the parents with the screaming children the world and his wife - and what a good decision that proved to be.

Waitrose just after 9 a.m. was quite pleasant, but it deteriorated as the morning went on - with lots of Mums, and a few Dads, many of whom did have screaming children.  

Do I have a rosy view of when our two boys were much younger?  I am sure they never screamed like some of the children do these days - or perhaps my ears have got more sensitive as I have got older more mature!

We were glad to get home and wonder just WHO will be buying all the stuff laid out and encroaching on every aisle in the supermarket - after all, they are only closed for two days at Christmas?

I love it when I find myself screaming,
          at my kids.
That’s how I teach them irony!

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