By The Sea

Oh I do like to be beside it and I am NOT going to hum the whole tune as some one might notice that the SSD (small Stuffed Dog) on The Boss’s pack is making a funny noise.

There was a big sign about this on the beach that said the dogs must be under direct control and who kno’s what that means but just better to be on the safe side in a strange place.

This is Brighton Beach in Christchurch where The Boss used to sorta live 16 years ago and 6 years after the horrendous earthquake there is still a broken look to this place with road cones and construction crews everywhere.
We went for a sorta Blip Meet with Pooba who doesn’t anymore and John who never did. Poo was responsible for getting The Boss into this  in the first place and The Boss is tremendously grateful that he did…OH and I am too. It’s not every SSD that has a voice in the world. Stuffed opinions matter….

The extra was a lady who might have bitten off a bit more than she expected. 


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