Views of my world

By rosamund


I wasn't expecting any colour from the sunrise this morning at all but I saw these streaks of pink slash across the sky just as I was heading towards Greenock, I didn't think they'd last long so I quickly turned down to the Esplanade to snap what I could before it disappeared as I doubted I'd have time to get to one of my more picturesque morning locations. Glad I did as the sky was just insipid as I passed my usual haunts and only showed any hint of interest as I was driving on the m8 towards Paisley which isn't ideal for blipping.

Everyone at work felt stressed today and none of us could quite work out why, fortunately my day took a turn for the better at the end and I feel prepared for an invigorating in-service day tomorrow, wellbeing, children's rights and sensory play for young children make for a stimulating agenda then joy of joys, a whole week off!

Believe it or not I'll probably use the time to get up to speed with work stuff as that alleviates my stress more than walking away from it all and going back to deadlines and a mess. As long as I can fit in plenty of exercise and crafts I'll be fine.

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