Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Orchids, Feijoada and Copacabana Palace

Bb did some admin work in the morning. I went for a wander round the block and discovered that in the square of our Wednesday food market, there's a small organic food market on Saturday mornings.  

Back in the flat we went next door to talk to the worker who's renovating that flat as we'd noticed he'd done a little damage to our adjoining wall.  He actually knew about it as our welcomer had shown him it the day before and so he came in to take off the patch of plaster, re-do it and will be back on Tuesday to paint it. All very amicable.

Saturday is feijoada day and so we had a late lunch in the 'triangle place' - its proper name is Restaurant 420. Feijoada is a rich dish of black beans in sauce, different kinds of meat, shredded kale, slices of orange, rice and farofa. Farofa looks like sawdust and I think is ground corn and you mix it into the black beans.  We then wandered along to the Copacabana Hotel to check they had our booking for Xmas day lunch and chose our table on the terrace under the shade. There have been major changes since last year, all very nicely done with more seating areas and sofa areas around the pool, accessible for non-residents. Nice to sit in another area and see the place from another viewpoint.  On our way back we bought tickets for a music show in a theatre along the road. If briocarioca is looking in, we got tickets for you and R at our invitation and if you're free on Wed night. More wandering, new flipflops for Bb and by the time we got home, I'd clocked up 12,500 steps. Hope I haven't overdone it on my sore foot - I was wearing trainers at  least!  Both collapsed into bed and lights off quite early for a Saturday night in Rio!

You often see orchids in plant pots tied onto trees here and I spotted those ones on Rua Tunelera.

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