
These stands are popping up all over the place. Fireworks for sale on the street. Fireworks haven't been banned here for the simple reason that if you are stupid enough to blow your hand off, then it's your fault. I am sure most peopel are careful and responsible aobut their use. As I sit here typing this, I can hear them going off in the distance. Sunday night is going to be HUGE!!!!

I caught up on a few blips from my trip to Harbin. One (yesterday's) that has one of the snow sculptures and a link to 20ish that I put on flickr. I think it's well worth the look if you haven't seen what the Chinese can do with snow.

I just saw my one year ago and I still think it's one of the best pic I ahve ever taken.. I have it on my wall here as a 20 x 24

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