
I spent the morning working for Nigel. 

He is very busy therefore so am I. 

I have been chasing a debt and my powers of persuasion have failed so I am calling on the services of a Debt collecting Agency. This particular client thinks he knows more than a Chartered Surveyor with 30 years experience so refuses to pay his invoice. If he knows so much, why employ a surveyor? I knew he was trouble from the start and referred to him as "Mr Arse for Brains".

I'm fed up with the Christmas tree. It looks sad and droopy already. It must be the result of the trauma the dog put it through. 

I've done some house work and cooking. Clive's gone food shopping and I am contemplating my most recent crochet project.

Coffee Club has been called off as everyone is busy and 26 of us are meeting for lunch tomorrow so there seemed little point in seeing some of them today too.

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