Hotter Than A Match Head

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Just faint wisps of white in a blue sky today. Wellington's ever-present breeze taking the edge off the heat. The PERFECT DAY to be out and about!

"I'm SICK," said Er Indoors. She sounded like she swallowed a frog. That also had a bad throat.

So much for my picnic-plans. I didn't think Er Indoors would enjoy herself much, snuffling and sneezing under the hot sun, no matter how beautiful it is. Still, I went out to the shops to get essential snuffle supplies. Tissues, lozenges and painkillers. 

But my word it was hot when I stepped outside. The sort of hot where you can smell the pavement. The sort of hot that leaves you squinting even through your sunglasses. The sort of hot hat makes your jeans so sticky that when you take them off later you have to check that your testicles haven't come off with them. Or your foofy lady undercarriage area* if you are a lady.

I didn't want to leave Er Indoors alone too long, she seemed so sad and ill when I left her. But still, the day was too good to waste so I took the scenic route along the waterfront. 

I love the smell of the sea. I grew up next to it in Scarborough, and it never stops being intoxicating. And the sea in Wellington harbour has the added benefit of being not full of jobbies. Always a bonus.

In the extras, I added a picture of a statue on the waterfront. It is to celebrate all new arrivals to these shores (it says on the plaque). Interestingly, that is the EXACT POSE I adopted when I landed at Auckland airport. True story.

I made my way back into town via Cuba Street and got that picture of the traffic lights (see extras) that I promised you last week. I'll be blunt. I'm not sure the Green Lady looks much like a Drag Queen. I think she looks more like someone wearing a Bearskin Hat, or maybe a member of the Banana Splits, but I appreciate Wellington's attempt to celebrate Pride. 

I really need to investigate Cuba Street more. There are tons of interesting restaurants and a really cool looking used bookshop down there (see extra extra).

But today was not the day. I was on a Mercy Mission. I stopped off at "Pita Pit" partially because Er Indoors enjoys their chicken falafel sandwich, but mainly because "Pita Pit" is REALLY fun to say. Then I hurried home to my sick wife. Poor little thing. I wonder how she was doing without me?

When I got in, she had TIDIED THE ENTIRE HOUSE. Vacuumed all the floors and cleaned the kitchen. Even sick, she is like this force of lemon-scented nature.

Now I am home and showered. Fans on. Wellington continues to shimmer in the heat. I'm told it is not always like this, that this summer has been unusual, and Wellington weather is typically a lot more variable, but today Wellington feels like a tropical paradise. It feels like Cuba. 

One last check. One. Two. Yes, both of them still there. You have to worry, at my age.


* Technical term. Ask your OBGYN.

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