Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


JR was up and out at before the crack of dawn to get to Waitrose before the masses! She was first to arrive in the car park, in the dark, and who should pull up beside her, but Christine, Rufus's mum, with the same idea!

We then both did our exercise, though JR puts much more effort into hers than I do - she was there for more than an hour!

We decided to take Archie for a walk, it being another lovely day. My ideal doggie walk is about half an hour, with a coffee break at the other end. But I heard myself agreeing to JR's proposal of walking to the duck pond then on through the Hermitage and back round by Morningside. She and Archie have done this walk many times, but until now I have resisted any invitations to join them.

However, I did manage, though it was slow going, as we kept coming across icy patches. And some crazy people were actually jogging!

I got the bus back while the others walked. I did over 7,000 steps, and I am completely stuffed.

Happy birthday Bob!

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