
By TexMama

My Favourite Tree

There is a neighborhood here where the houses are bigger and the Christmas lights are always amazing...so much so that there are carriage rides (if you can afford it), and a little train for the rest if us :) that run through the neighborhood every December. Or you can just make Mr Tex drive you up and down, and round and round until you think you've seen all the best one's.
This tree is my favourite. Has been for years. A few years ago they started putting a bench under it so people could take pics...usually it's busy but this year there was no one about so I finally got to sit under my magic tree...can't tell you how lovely is was to just sit there and soak it in...you think the owners would mind if I came back with a blanket and a book and just hung out here for a while :)

slightly wibbly-wobbly phone pic by Littleman as I was heading to the seat...

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