Looking for puddles
We failed despite the mizzle!
Another trip to the Post Office straight from school. Good time to go, no queues. Then home for a second breakfast and of to race around the soft play and make sparkly pictures at their craft table.
After lunch it was swimming. He was the only one, which was great. Although he was a bit of a monkey but in a nice way and made the teacher laugh. On to music train, which was great as always. Home for snack and then we donned the wellies and headed to school.
The wellies made me think how small he must be. They were C's first pair at 18months. Admittedly, they were a size too big, but W is very nearly 3 and they are still half a size too big!
Ballet this evening. W came out with a big grin and told me he "Lub" ballet. C came out full of secrets, refusing to tell me about their show dance!
Quite pleased it is Friday tomorrow, although I am heading into school tomorrow to help with the Keystage 1 sportshall day. I can't wait.
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