‘A Little Party Never Hurt Nobody’

A Jazz Age-inspired Christmas at the American Museum, Bath

“Get a wiggle on to the American Museum in Britain this winter for a party like no other. Party through the ages in our period rooms and discover what Americans did to let their hair down in days gone by.

The jewel in the crown is the dazzling Central Hall Christmas tree, bedecked in decadent decorations, glorious glitz, and Gatsbyesque glamour of the 1920’s. Whether you’re a dancing dame or a fancy fella, our Jazz Age inspired Christmas is set to be the swankiest soirée in town!” www.americanmuseum.org

Such a cold day of arctic winds, hail and sleet showers.  After another trip to the post office (can you believe both of my local post offices have sold out of 2nd class stamps just before Christmas?),  headed up into the hills above Bath to the American Museum to enjoy their annual themed Christmas display, and a sneaky Connecticut Snickerdoodle in the café. Then it was on to the supermarket before visiting poor old R, who nearly six weeks later, is still in hospital, waiting to be allowed home.

I took dozens of photos of the beautiful decorations at the American Museum but my blip has to be the imposing two-storey Christmas Tree that stands in the hall way. A question for you: it took me so many attempts to get an in-focus photo, why is it so difficult to get the camera to focus on twinkling Christmas lights? I have this problem every year. Any advice/ideas very welcome.

And if you’re wondering what a Snickerdoodle is, here’s a link to the recipe.


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