Basket of Berry

Raspberry is fond of this basket, we call it her 'Moses Bed'. It's tucked in what is usually a toasty warm corner of the kitchen by the cellar door. We have steam heat in the old, main part of the house. Our boiler, which is wrapped to prevent this, wastes a lot of heat even so and warms the old cellar a bit along with some toasty seepage under the cellar door behind her basket. Today there is no such seepage, the steam boiler is not working and needless to say the heat seeking cat is no longer in the bed, realizing that fact quickly. We have a service contract with our gas heat provider and I called them at 7 this  morning to arrange service. They told me I would be hearing from the service folks they contacted to come out(owned by an old student of mine) shortly. I have also called them and left a message when I heard nothing by 11 AM. The answering service recording assured me there would be a call back... not yet. They just called, we are next on the list after a call a few towns from here. We have a gas fireplace, and another heating system in our addition, so I'm plenty warm so far. I am a bit worried about tonight and the upstairs bathroom, but I'm still hoping for a service call. My brother has a plug in radiator that we can borrow. We've used in Maine, so things will be okay I'm sure as long as they come out sooner than later. It's going to be bitterly cold this weekend.

Today is the 5th Anniversary of the Newtown Connecticut, Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that took the lives of twenty 6 year olds, teachers and school staff. Even that day did not bring gun control in this country , what will it take?

We must have hope I guess. "In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope."--President Barack Obama

For the Record,
This day came in cold with light snow.

All hands worried about the tax bill, Net Neutrality and our steam boiler.

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