Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Big Results from a Tiny Warbler

It's always a good day when one sees a warbler.  And seeing one after a fresh 3 inches of snow...even better!  This is a Yellow-rumped warbler, the only warbler that stays this far north this late in the year.  This one has been around for the last few days, making good use of our cedar trees for food and the bird baths for water.  And definitely giving the titmice a run for their money in the "cuteness" category.  

Anyway, without further ado...the warbler and I have made our picks for this week's Tiny Tuesday.  Not an easy task as there were many wonderful images in the "seasonal" theme - thank you to all who joined the challenge this week!
Warbler Hearts go to...
Incredibish for a stunning depiction of a frosty macro world
Lizellen for a seasonal fly who is also dressed for the holiday season, making it doubly seasonal
Paladian for her wonderful macro of a seasonal visitor to her garden, a tiny flower crab spider
V1k1 for a milestone blip of beautifully photographed holiday decorations (and congratulations!)
JDO for her magical, mystical frosty bubble
mpp26 for a glimpse of springtime on the other side of the world

And Honorable Warbler Mentions to...
Ingeborg for making my mouth water
Flying for a beautifully rendered spring rain droplet
and CleanSteve for a beautifully rendered winter rain droplet
Miranda1008  for a lovely frosted frond in early morning light
Wrperry for her whimsical tiny street scene

It's not too soon to start thinking about next week's TinyTuesday - the theme remains "seasonal" and next week's tag is #TT134.  I'd ask that after you post and tag your entry, you wait about an hour and check back to make sure your entry shows up when you click on the tag. If your entry isn't showing, please leave me a message in comments so I can find it.  There have been a few glitches lately.

For those who expressed concern about the ailing cowbird, I am sorry to report that I've not seem him yet today.  The temperatures were in the teens last night and we got about 3 inches of snow, so I'm not sure if he survived or not.  Keeping eyes open today to see if he shows up at the feeders.


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