Moo Moo Mornings

My Dear Fellow,

I was thinking about you today. The reason is obvious. I have unpacked The Rachel Hale from our boxes of shipping. You will be glad to hear that "The Campest Teapot In The World" has made it safe and sound and in one piece. 

I was so happy. It is one of my most treasured possessions. Er Indoors just rolled her eyes.

This teapot reminds me of many silly Sunday mornings. Typically I would  turn up at Stead's Place at about 9am. You'd make a big pot of tea and a Crombie's sausage muffin. Then we would race around Moo Moo Meadows. And at some point I would wet myself laughing.

Usually because you managed to fall down a hole/get blown up/slip on a banana skin/all three just when you were on the verge of victory. That game never stopped being funny.

It was also on these mornings that you introduced me to classic cinema like "Le Bossu", "The Tall Blonde Man With One Black Shoe" and "A Wednesday". My favourite of the lot is still "Billu". A touching film about friendship. 

Oh all right, it is "Dhoom" really. A touching film about Things Blowing Up. With songs. And a sequel in which Queen Elizabeth II sandboards behind a speeding train. I'm all about the quality.

(An aside for the uninitiated. "Dhoom" is an Indian action/comedy/buddy cop/musical. I can best describe it as a cross between "Lethal Weapon", "Mission: Impossible", "Die Hard" and "The Eurovision Song Contest". And I'm not even close to doing it justice.)

For my part, I introduced you to classic cinema like "Planet Terror" (wherein a town is terrorised by zombies), "Frogs" (in which a town is terrorised by man-eating frogs) and "Poltergay" (in which a man is terrorised by gay ghosts*). 

I suspect I got the better of that bargain.

Do you remember the time we tried to Moot-proof your balcony with netting? You wanted to let the little chap get a bit of fresh air, but stop him escaping out onto the street. As I recall we had a Stan and Ollie afternoon and within five minutes of our finishing Moot had managed to get hopelessly entangled in the netting. Sigh. Back to the drawing board...

Which brings me to Laurel & Hardy. We invariably watched the lads just before I left. And yes, I still remember the time I had a Stan moment, trying to remember where I'd put the dvd which was actually in my hand. I suspect you are laughing at that still.

Not the best days in terms of circs for either of us. I seem to recall we were both in the doldrums back in those days. But I do look back on those Sunday mornings with affection.

And now I'm watching "Dhoom". Er Indoors is out, so it's going on again. But obviously I skipped past the bit where it's just Jai and Sweetie dancing about in their pants while he squirts her with his hose. I want to get to Ali Bhai as quickly as possible. Pass the carrot souffle would you?


* By doing his ironing and assembling a flat-pack wardrobe. Which I still think is funny.

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