Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


Another mundane day.  I did manage a bit of a lie in, but then went in to work for meetings.  A frustrating day with my computer (which like many in the NHS, comes out of the ark, and is still running on Windows XP) which decided to do update after update, with no warning, and no way to put it off.  Fortunately, I share an office with another consultant, who has a more modern computer, and who is on holiday at the moment, so I used his for my meetings (a phone in with documents online, and then a webinar).

I then did a small pile of other peoples' coding, before coming home.

I promised I would get on the exercise bike, so I cycled for 10mins - that seems pathetic, but having neglected it for so long, I need to build up gradually.  The eventual plan is to have a TV on the cupboard in front of the bike, but at the moment the only entertainment is reading.  I managed to find this spider to hold my kindle onto the dashboard - the disadvantage being that I cannot view my progress.

Now it's gin o'clock, and there are baked potatoes in the oven.

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