Just for contrast

This was the same path as yesterday but after a mighty thaw.  It has been above freezing all day with rain turning a lot of surfaces to sheet ice. Flossie enjoyed her walk much more than yesterday.. and succeeded in keeping her armpits mostly dry!! I spotted a snow sculpture at the end of the track which l have posted as an extra.. l thought it looked like a skipping mole!!

The coop carpark was lethal with no salt having been scattered between the cars so you had to be really careful not to slip from the moment you stepped from the vehicle.  l watched several octo and nonagenarians helping eachother over the ice.. and prayed there were no slip ups.  

Enjoy the meteor shower tonight.. coming from Gemini which will be rising in the east after sunset and ending up over head later.. if it is clear.. take a look see!  Apparently they are rather bright and colourful .. 

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