If you could see me now

in the summer of 1980 I was quite content to spend a couple of weeks cycling around North Wales and the Pennines wearing whatever I'd found at the bottom of the wardrobe the morning that I set off. Today I'm looking at the weather forecast for the sea-to-sea route me and Insto are starting tomorrow and wondering if I've packed enough Merino wool base layers and padded undergarments.

On the plus side, digging out this old journal that I had to write for my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award made me realise that although my approach to cycling comfort may have changed my sense of humour hasn't. The penultimate paragraph reads..."On this expedition we used new EuroPleasure tents which we found easier to erect than than the ones we had used for previous rides".

That's me in the middle by the way. Apologies to Mike Parkins and Ray Hughes if they ever somehow stumble across this. Who says the early 80's weren't stylish hey??

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