Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: Beau is ill again x

Poor Beau. He has the run the of bad luck. A month ago, he has the worst chicken pox going. I think 6 years old is pushing the boundary into having a nastier dose than most. He sailed through the summer, spots a healing in the sun....well rainy most, but sunny sometimes summer sun. Three weeks ago, as if to remind me that winter is around the corner, beaus recurrent tonsillitis. The doctor came up with the 'less not go down the antibiotic route' this year. I, feeling like there was a new yearly plan of attack on the dreaded tonsils agreed, only to be met 2 weeks later with a hospital visit. Beau had been fighting his now strep throat on his own. Immunity at an all time low.

Last night sickness every 20 mins from 2am. Mum: 2 hrs sleep. Beau: 6 hours sleep.

Docters at 9.30 am. Beau picked up a widely available and highly contagious sickness bug. Today he sleeps it off. He is likely to be the fittest in our pending puking family! x

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