From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Mini delights.....

The snow had turned to rain and slush this morning and our guests thought it safe to head for home. Not 'til after a leisurely breakfast still in our dressing gowns though.

Then I headed up to High Street Kensington again to our optician's as somehow the ear piece of my glasses has snapped and that's where our optician's is. I have had this pair for five years now and the breakage was put down to metal fatigue. The repair will certainly result in wallet fatigue as the cost is tremendous. Both arms will have to be replaced of course.....I will go back on Wednesday to collect them. Meanwhile I'm having to wear a pair of Boots reading glasses which are much too strong and I feel as if my eyes are on stalks...

My photo is again taken on my phone through glass and may be blurred....I can't tell with these glasses!!! Delicious and ever popular Lola cakes on a stall in the station forecourt. 

Home to put the Christmas tree up! It looks good! And then to collect the youngsters from the station after their Paris trip. They've had a great time. A shame they have to drive back to Cambridge and Hereford now to be ready for work tomorrow. Lots of ice to scrape off the cars beforehand ....  

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