Hoy from Brodgar

It always feels so strange when you are used to strong winds for weeks...and then suddenly calm. You can walk and hear nothing but silence or the occasional bird call. You can hear the waves crashing on the shore and even hold a conversation without shouting 'WHAT!?' The Lochs and even the sea are like mirrors and if you're really lucky there will be blue sky also. Today was the second calm day in a row and it still feels a bit strange.

I headed to Coldomo from work for more horse therapy and took Billy a short ride on the beach at low tide. He splashed about in the sea and roamed the sand on a lose rein, surveying his territory.

Later I walked the dogs at Evie. Our walk more relaxed than usual, the calm day lulling me into a bit of beach combing, no hurry to escape the usual strong winds.

Back home I pottered, awaiting the return of Gorgeous, tummy rumbling for steak night.

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