Who got the lion’s share?!

While the practice nurse gave me my shingles jab, I had the inspiration of asking if I could borrow her stethoscope - Linda has roped me in to play the doctor in the all-women mummers play she’s putting on for the entertainment at her midwinter party.on Saturday.

Then we dashed off to pick Nathaniel up from nursery. His dad normally would do it after night shift but today he needed a sleep so that he could come to see Nathaniel in the nursery performance of Chilly Milly. Mr C nobly braved the supermarket while I took Nathaniel to Arlo’s cafe for a bit of cake.

Not many little boys have a cafe named after them - Arlo’s parents own the cafe and live next door to Nathaniel and Ella. It’s not often I get time alone with him. He is such an easy little boy. After eating his cake he played with the toys in the corner till it was time for us to walk back to nursery.

Chilly Milly was in the church next door. Unfortunately the poor little girl chosen to be the Snowgirl Milly got stage fright and wouldn’t perform. Nathaniel had to introduce one of the songs and shouted it out very loudly. They all sang a few songs. He was so sweet!

Then we picked Ella up from school. He kindly shared his party bag with her. We took them home while their parents looked at rental properties - they need to move out of their house on 3 January and still haven’t found a place to rent till their purchase of the next house goes through in April.. The ones in their area are very expensive, about twice what their mortgage is, and the cheap ones are skanky student flats. I don’t know how young people cope paying so much.

We still haven’t got a tree, cards and most presents. Help.

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