
By Dee49

Hard to believe

This time 10 years ago, I was in hospital all set to have a baby. (A baby?? Me?? How did this happen???) ...... no answers required ok :)
She was 11 days late and it was time to help her along. (Well she could have just been 9days late, but when the hospital called me 2 days earlier while I was in the middle of eating my cornflakes, to say they had a cancellation and 'would I like to come in today?' ..... Are you kidding?? Of course I don't! I'm quite happy living in denial for the next 2 days ta very much)

So there I was, running away not an option, gripping onto anything something when my induced waters broke all over my favourite dungarees!!
Do you know that I had to crawl walk all the way down to the labour ward like that!!! (Yes by this point I was still desperately clinging to retaining some form of dignity)

One of the things I remember clearly, was Lucy's dad leaning over and saying into my ear...."will you PUSH coz I don't like the look of this thing!"
Easy for you to say mate, you f*cking DO IT THEN!!!

Poor Lucy, all those excruciating years spent doing Callanetics 3 times a week still hadn't managed to get me an iron pelvic floor (remind me to sue the teacher coz she 'lied') and the wee soul was brought into the world, with not a single pain killer in sight, via suction cap. (Ventouse being the correct term but I really didn't care then lol)

Ahh such miracles aren't they. I'll spare you the details of me bleeding out all over the place at this point because to be perfectly honest, I wasn't aware of anything else, other than this tiny little perfect bundle. That I had made! (well she had dry skin coz she was late but good ole Mr Bertolli helped there and I didn't even notice her impersonation of a conehead at the time)

Nothing could have prepared me for the emotions that hit me like a ton of bricks. I never knew what unconditional love was until I had a baby. All these cliches really are true.
And omg but I had boobies for the 1st time in my life :)

Happy Birthday to my big girl. May you never be interested in make-up or short skirts, bling or boys ... until you're at least 21! :)

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