Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Are ye never in?

Busy day again, running around here, there and everywhere. Went to the post office morning to pick up a letter and when I took my number for the queue I was number 82 and they were serving number 64! I went for coffee across the street and still had 45' to wait when I returned. The letter turned out to be from the electricity company saying that our meter has to be replaced and we weren't in on two occasions when they tried to do it. On a second reading I noticed that it has to be replaced by December 2018, not 2017! Perhas many people were picking up the same letter. I got home to find another slip of paper waiting for me from the PO, so I now need to go back again! At least I know that what I'm collecting next time will be MUCH more interesting than a letter from Endesa! It's from Scotland. And it's a parcel. Actually two. They might take our minds off things splattered over the wall here in my blip.

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