
By Beewriter


Oh my goodness I had a scare today! I sent Sue a text to see if she fancied going to Bolton as there was a huge snow slide in the centre and she said she would. What she didn't realise was, I meant I wanted her to go on it with me. When we walked up to it Sue took one look and said that absolutely categorically there was no way in the world she was going up there! 

We stood at the bottom and I tried to get my nerve up. The man who ran it said that we had to go further down the square and get a ticket....or as he wasn't bothered, I could go on for free. Well, what is a girl to do.....I went up the stairs and took one look down and my heart hit the floor. 

Oh, I forgot to say....I'd taken Billy Blood Drop with me. I clung onto Billy, I sat in the ring and I thought, bugger I can't do this.....and then the man pushed the ring with his foot and I whooshed down. Sue said the whole of Bolton came to a standstill as my screams echoed out. 

My legs were like jelly as I stood up, but Billy was grinning from ear to ear. 

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