
By Mindseye


What a beautifully bright crisp but very cold day!!

We decided to catch a bus locally, then take the V1 on the guided busway into Manchester.
It was a very smooth ride, taking us through some local areas that we had not been through before, so quite the little adventure.

Manchester was busy, but nothing like the last time we ventured in on a Saturday, thank goodness. We got in around midday and went straight for a coffee and a bacon roll in Coffee Republic, before heading to the first of several Christmas Market stops.

We had a good look around, so many lovely stalls, and what lovely aromas, pancakes, burgers, bratwurst, garlic potatoes, gluwein, whisky, pungent cheeses, to name a but a few! We found our favourite cheese stall....bought just the four thats all ;-) Hub sampled a gluwein topped with brandy, I was full up after the coffee!

After browsing all the stalls in Alberrt Square, we walked down to Deansgate, then along to King Street, back up towards St. Annes Square, then across to The Shambles, browsing as we went. I snapped away at this and that as we walked around with 10,000 steps under our belt. I thought his,shot represented our day out perfectly :-)

Once the sun started to go down it got very cold very quickly, hubs feet were freezing so we decided on another coffee indoors to warm up, before heading back to the bus stop.

We were back home around 5pm, by which time the air was really cold and the ground becoming frosty, I think we timed it just right!
We opened our front door and the welcoming warmth met us :-)

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